Enzeru's Dice Throw
A downloadable Dice Throwing Program for Windows
Aight! this is a small thing I did out of boredom a while ago that I did all they way back in 2019. The concept it's simple, You need a dice thrown? no matter the size, of the dice? maybe you wanna log it real time whit a functioning clock and all? love dumb little projects that just work from some scripts that's not suppoced to even be working to begin whit? then this BatchScript made Dice Throwing script "Program" it's for you!!
[Note]: Just got it out of the gutter that is my file REPO, what am posting here it's supposed to be the debug edition that works on a .bat file, I did an .exe a while back that copied the whole stuff in a temporary dicertory in the %temp% folder of windows, but after compiling and testing several antiviruses seem to detect it as a virus so I kept it as a simple .bat file.
[Functionalities]: The first important thing that I added to the dice throw system was the dice throwing itself. As a D20 throwing device it started cheaply whit something like:
[at]Echo off title "D20" :loop set /a d20=(%random%*20/32768)+1 cls echo You threw a %d20%! pause goto loop
(Where in [at] goes an "@")
Then the thing jumped to a program that haves the following:
Custom input: to throw whateber size of dice you wanna
If that doesn't fit your fancy you got a list of pre-defined dices!
CLOCK!: but you can't throw a dice at the same time cause it runs in the same window :c :
Dice Logging: The last dice that was thrown it's logged:
Dice Logging AND Clock!:
Cooldown timing: Since this dice throw thing's menu works through an abuse of the ERRORLEVEL values it haves a cooldown time to throw a dice of 5 seconds... sorry for that.
Color Selection: Choose a color that suits your fancy for the text (limited color palette due to the limitations of BatchScript)!
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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